Negotiations Update : 05-08-2020

Dear Crewmembers,
Your Negotiating Committee just concluded another week of negotiations where we agreed to continue the format of meeting virtually in light of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 global pandemic.
As we narrow in on the remaining items related to Article 25 â Scheduling, we are left with the most contentious topics in this very important article. Although we continue to strive to make creative proposals to fix the remaining concerns we have in the scheduling article, we are challenged by the lack of progress on what still remains unresolved. We remain hopeful both parties can come up with creative solutions to these very important issues at hand.
Throughout the week, we continued to negotiate on the Professional Standards Letter of Agreement as well as the HIMS Letter of Agreement. We are happy to report that we have reached Tentative Agreements on both of these LOAs. In doing so, we have now achieved formalized programs for Professional Standards and HIMS, where there has never been a formal agreement in either of these areas for the 28 years this airline has been in business. The completion of both of these LOAs will establish authority for both the Professional Standards Committee and HIMS Committee while at the same time providing procedures for the committees and the company to follow. Although these LOAs will not have a direct impact on every single pilot within the pilot group, the newly established procedures within each LOA could have a significant positive impact on an individual pilotâs career when faced with a professionalism issue or a substance abuse issue. The Tentative Agreements reached on these two LOAs are yet another step taken by this pilot group towards an industry standard contract.
We also continued our work on the Fatigue Risk Management Letter of Agreement. In dealing with this subject, unfortunately, as we all know too well, it is necessary to wrestle with our ever-changing flight schedules and the challenges associated with long duty days. So, we continue to insist, as we must, that the fatigue program remain non-punitive. As a result, we still have some remaining items unresolved in this very important LOA that we hope to conclude in the upcoming round of bargaining.
As I am sure you are all aware by now, the bright spot this week was reaching agreement on the Wage Increase Letter of Agreement that we signed Wednesday morning. This letter of agreement provides for a 10% interim pay rate increase across all fleets and positions, effective May 1st. The Wage Increase Letter of Agreement provides for a much-needed pay raise after years of stagnation during which we watched our peers at other airlines enjoy substantial gains. We acknowledge that management has taken an important intermediate step in the right direction with this agreement. We will continue to push for significantly improved pay rates in the upcoming contract, along with our efforts at reaching our long-established goal of an industry standard CBA in every respect.
Our next bargaining session is scheduled for the week of June 8th â June 12th.
Your Atlas Air and Southern Air Negotiating Committee

Trustee Update : 2020-05-07

May 7, 2020
Dear Local 2750 Members,
I am happy to announce that yesterday we formally signed an agreement (LOA) which gives all of our pilots a 10% increase in pay rates. This increase became effective on the pay period which began on May 1, 2020. I am attaching the signed version of the LOA, which we have posted on the Local 2750 website.
Local 2750 verbally agreed to the raise back on Thursday April 30, 2020, but due to the companyâs desire for confidentiality we agreed to keep the news quiet for a short period of time. The company explained to us that due to the âquiet periodâ they interpreted they were under, they could not make the raise public and asked that we at 2750 and the Southern Air leadership at Local 1224 do the same. The quiet period before earnings stretched from the end of the quarter (March 31, 2020) until the date on which corporate earnings are officially announced (May 7, 2020).Â
Unfortunately, the Southern Air leadership and Local 1224 openly discussed the message and even put out an official blast mail to all of its members describing the terms of the agreement. This created much confusion amongst our members, as pilots outside of our airline knew about the news before many of our pilots did. This was truly unfortunate and should never have happened. Â
As most of you already know, one of the most important aspects in any relationship, and especially in negotiations, is trust. In order to gain and keep trust, you must earn it with your actions and the tone that you set. We must, and always will, keep our word and keep that trust so we can be effective for all of you in our dealings with the company. Therefore, despite the fact that the news was publicized, myself and the ExCo decided to keep to our word and not publish anything official relating to this agreement. I did however, as is our rule, inform all ExCo members and company executives, and if they were asked, my colleagues on the Local 2750 ExCo would truthfully answer all questions regarding the agreement. The company agreed this was an unfortunate situation and they understood and agreed with our position. I am sorry about the confusion you all experienced, however I think you understand the position with which we were faced.
In Solidarity,
Bob Kirchner
IAP Local 2750 Trustee
New SAFO Guidance : 20200417

The U.S. Department of Transportation along with the Federal Aviation Administration have issued new guidance for Aircrew members. This update is dated 17APR2020
New Local 2750 Address Verification : 20200404

Dear Crewmembers,
Your Union requests that you update your personal information, for union purposes, including near-term delivery of new lanyards and badge backers.
The IT Technology committee has developed a registration website and process which will allow you to view and update your information, including:
- Name (preferred name, middle name, suffix)
- Personal Email
- Home and/or mailing addresses
- Phone Numbers
The process is designed to keep non-members from accessing our systems. You will be asked for your Employee ID and the last four digits of your SSN (both pieces of information that the local possesses). If your answers match the union data, you can choose which email address on file to send a registration code. When you receive the registration email, you can either enter the code on the webpage, or click a link to direct you there.
The registration web pages are designed to work on a mobile device OR on a laptop or full-sized computer screen. Please review each screen, verify or modify your data, and press “Save & Next” to navigate to the next screen. The final screen will display your personal USERNAME (in the format Create a password which will be used for access to future IAP 2750 services, including a secure website and mobile apps.
In the unlikely event that your information does not match (Employee ID / SSN), a form will be presented for you to fill out for manual review by the IT Committee. You will then be provided with a registration code.
We ask that you complete this verification process as soon as possible, as time is of the essence. Please contact your IT Technology Committee with any questions.
IAP 2750 Technology Committee
Trustee Update : 20200403

April 3, 2020
Dear Local 2750 Members,
Many of you have been asking what is being done to protect me, my fellow pilots and my family during the COVID-19 pandemic? I will devote most of this message to answering those questions.
Back in mid-January, our union began to demand that the company start dealing with the spread of the corona virus both within and coming out of China. By early February, the company had agreed to not force crewmembers into China against their will and to sanitize and equip aircraft going in and out of mainland China with safety materials, such as, masks, sanitizers, gloves, etc. (We have been a big proponent of masks from the start). The data coming out now validates our early assessment of the need for masks as it is now clear that the mask wearing societies in Asia have a much lower transmission rate and death toll than non-mask wearing societies. The company had quite a bit of difficulty sourcing these items and had pushback from customers like DHL who were slow and resistant to act.
Weeks of prodding and negotiations culminated in the China MOU on February 14, 2020. Almost immediately, it became apparent that more was needed as the virus began to spread outside of China.
Our union stewards began to answer many calls from crewmembers and it was apparent on many fronts that more was needed. Our union then formed the COVID-19 Task Force to answer calls, participate in company briefings regarding the virus and give guidance and direction to all of our members. In fact, many committees became involved in the ongoing efforts to help keep all of you safe and informed. At the same time, your union leadership began engaging management to broaden the China MOU as well as to begin implementing stricter and more comprehensive safety and hygienic procedures, on the line, in the training center and at the hubs.
To date, our union has proposed many different versions of MOUs, an LOA and many safety ideas to keep our crewmembers safe and healthy.Â
Here is a sample of what we have suggested from management to keep all of you and your families safe:
IMMEDIATE ACTION ITEMS – CDC Guidelines (Social distancing)
Training Center Guidelines
- Hotels must have kitchenettes if a stay is more than 5 days
- Vans less than 5 people in it. Large buses 1 person/row
- Masks provide for all. Used at all events.
- Classrooms/sim/sit sanitized before each class
- Breaks staggered, no more than 4 on break at a time.
- Health check done on each person upon entering the building each day. (symptoms, temperature if able)
- Minimum of 6 feet apart at all times.
- Anyone showing any symptoms (fever, frequent coughing, headache, etc.) will be immediately sent for evaluation & quarantined.
- People with the common cold or determined not to have the virus must wear masks to remain in the train center.
- No congregating in hallways or other common areas.Â
Operational Guidelines
- All aircraft sanitized before each flight. Fogging preferred.
- Masks for all crews and ground personnel. Used by crew when on the ground and by ground personnel on the flight deck or on the aircraft crew areas.
- Proper alcohol wipes provided for all crew members before every flight.
- Ground personnel stay out of the flight deck area until crew is done with post flight and out of their seats
- Minimum personnel in crew areas of the flight. Enforced by the GSC.
- Paperwork at set location. Minimal or no personal contact.
- Health screening of all personnel upon reporting to work.
- Vans less than 5 people in it. Large buses 1 person/row.
- Anyone showing any symptoms (fever, frequent coughing, headache, etc.) will be immediately sent for evaluation & quarantined.
- Captain interviews crew. * GSC interviews all ground personnel.
Failure to execute on all or most of these may hamper the ability of the airline to operate and reduces crew willingness to assume the dangers presented by the pandemic.Â
After nearly a month of proposals on Monday March 30th we received an MOU proposal from the company. After review by all of us in the negotiating process, we returned a proposal which we felt was fair and properly addressed the issues and health risks our members are facing every day. Indeed, what is going on now is not in anyoneâs job description or career expectations. Yesterday, the company responded and rejected all of the comprehensive pay proposals, except for the few flights that operate in CDC Red zones. In addition, they rejected pay and per diem proposal for pilots who may not get home at the end of a trip. The company flatly stated that â¦any increase in pay would put them out of business. As of the writing of this message, we have no response from the company on our COVID-19 MOU proposal.
Finally, we will resume negotiations next week and the negotiating committee will report on any developments regarding a new CBA. We also will be refining and adjusting our strategy as we head into arbitrations and seniority integration.
In Solidarity,
Bob Kirchner
Local 2750 Trustee
FAA grants exemption on 121 training : 20200330

Airlines for America (A4A), on behalf of its members, requests an exemption from Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121 regulations pertaining to the timeframes for completing recurrent training and qualification requirements for ground personnel, crewmembers, and aircraft dispatchers.
The entire exemption can be seen here.
Safety Alert For Operation : 20200326

The Faa has posted a Safety Alert for Operations as it pertains to the Cornavirus it can be seen here: