Dependent Travel Committee Update : 20200321

Dependent Travel Committee Update
March 2020
Including limited codeshare agreements, we have Employee/Dependant travel agreements with 11 airlines:
- Air Corsica
- Allegiant Air
- American Airlines
- Condor
- Delta
- Etihad Airways
- JetBlue
- Lufthansa
- Scenic Airlines
- Southwest
- Tradewind
Our agreement status changes from time to time and the only way to know is to periodically visit the website and watch for additions. So far, we have been averaging a gain of one per year.
The potential of having hundreds of agreements is realistic and contractual according to our CBA section 26.L.3 âIf the Company is able to obtain reduced rate travel privileges from other air carriers, such reduced rate travel privileges will be extended to Crewmembers and qualifying retired Crewmembers, together with their respective dependents and spouses, to the extent the carrier providing such allows.â
Taking the time to ask is only a mere formality, nevertheless an easy and simple requirement. With no added cost to our Union or the Company, our committee is patiently waiting to be allowed by our management team to assist in growing this employee benefit to be one of the most comprehensive in the industry. Surprisingly, this company-wide benefit is not yet embraced. Agreements are there for the asking and we are baffled as to why this benefit remains suppressed. Of all the benefits of working for an airline, discounted and free travel should undeniably be two of the greatest.
For instructions on how to sign up for myIDTravel and take advantage of our existing agreements and be registered for when the agreement list expands, please contact our Committee at the email address below.
Capt. Richard Parnicky
Dependent Travel Committee