By now everyone is well aware of the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus and its potential threat. The Union and the company are not only monitoring this but taking steps to limit exposure and prevent our Crew Members from contracting this deadly virus. As of today the company published an alert regarding this outbreak. In addition to the companyâs alert bulletin, the Security Committee has been in direct contact with the company, Exco and Stewards throughout this process. All of us are addressing this serious event as we learn more about this outbreak. The company is telling us that they looking into ways to reduce our exposure to this by possibly limiting our layovers and destinations within China.
We are recommending that Atlas Crew Members consider the following,
To reduce your risk becoming infected:
        * Stay in your hotel as much as possible.
        * Reduce any contact at any public gathering, especially markets
        * Wear masks .
        * Wash your hands often.
        * Donât shake hands and avoid physical contact with anyone as  much as possible.
If you reasonably believe that traveling to any areas that have reported illness or deaths due to the Novel Coronavirus which you feel may result in substantial and imminent risk of harm to you, any of your fellow crewmembers or pasengers you should do the following:.
        * Get the Union involved ASAP.
        * Contact your Stewards immediately. Together you can discuss and address each individuals specific concerns. The stewards can assist in a pathway to the crewmembers options should he or she decide that travel within the P.R.C. is too risky.
        * Contact a Chief Pilot and Crew Scheduling and specifically request to be removed from all flying into that area of the world.
        * Include AeroMedical. They can provide guidance for specific health concerns.
        * If you feel unduly pressured by any company official, contact a union steward for assistance and backup.                                     Â
This has been said in the Alert updates but it cannot be stressed enough! Practice basic health precautions especially frequent hand washing with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Additionally, avoid close contact with animals while abroad (dead or alive), and practice good coughing/sneezing etiquette. Everyone should be diligent in basic health precautions.
Atlas Local 2750Security Committee