Jumpseating & COVID-19 Testing

February 8th, 2021
Jumpseating on a company airplane from an international destination, you will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 test. This requirement is ONLY FOR JUMPSEAT; if you are on duty status, i.e., Operating Crew or Deadhead, this requirement will not apply.
- Having received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine DOES NOT alleviate the Jumpseater from the requirement of having the negative test prior to entering the USA.
- If you have previously tested positive for COVID-19, you are exempt from this requirement for 90 days from the initial positive test BUT must provide documentation from a medical health care provider stating you are COVID-19 recovered and eligible for travel.
As previously reported in the Pilot Support Flight Operations News (29 Jan 2021), the C.D.C. issued a new order under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. §264) and 42 Code of Federal Regulation §§ 71.20 & 71.31(b) requiring passengers entering the United States to provide a Negative COVID-19 test.
The actual text from the C.D.C. states the following:
“If you plan to travel internationally, you will need to get tested no more than 3 days before you travel by air into the United States (U.S.) and show your negative result to the airline before you board your flight, or be prepared to show documentation of recovery (proof of a recent positive viral test and a letter from your healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).”
Under the F.A.Q. of the C.D.C. website that pertains to this Order, personal travel for air carriers crews’ states:
What types of crew are exempt from the requirements of the Order? What types of travel by crew are exempt from the requirements of the Order?
Crewmembers on official duty assigned by the air carrier or operator that involves operation of aircraft, or the positioning of crew not operating the aircraft (i.e., on “deadhead” status), are exempt from the requirements of the Order provided their assignment is under an air carrier’s or operator’s occupational health and safety program.
Crewmembers traveling for training, commuting to or from work, or for business reasons not associated with the operation of the aircraft are not exempt from the testing requirement. Nor are crew traveling for personal reasons, such as leisure travel.
In a positioning or “deadhead” scenario, the crew member is on the “clock” and their time and movement are directed by the air carrier either into, from, or between operational assignments. On the other hand, “commuting” to and from locations where official duty begins and ends is considered personal travel. Crew would not be exempted from the Order when they are in a commuting status.
Further information can be found at the following site:
This requirement is in effect immediately; if you plan to do any international travel via Jumpseating on company aircraft, please plan accordingly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Jumpseat Committee or Pilot Support.
Very Respectfully
CA Tony Baca
Jumpseat Chairman