Today, we concluded another week of negotiations. We regret to inform you that in the history of bargaining with management on your next contract, this week was the least productive session we have had to date. The only progress made this week was related to Article 25 â Scheduling, where an exchange of supposals by both sides resulted in a little movement on only a few items.
As you are all aware, we have already presented our full economic supposal in previous negotiation sessions. In doing so, we had fulfilled every request management stated they needed in order close out the new contract you deserve. After management requested extra time to review our full economic supposal, we had hoped they would show up prepared with their own comprehensive economic supposal. Unfortunately, rather than making their own economic offer, management now wants us to engage with them in refining their flawed costing model, an approach we believe they plan to use against us in arbitration.
The Company has rejected our supposals in their entirety on Article 4 â Profit Sharing, Article 5 â Travel Expenses, Article 6 â Gateway Travel, Article 27 â Insurance Benefits, Article 28 â Retirement, and Article 32 â New Equipment. In managementâs supposals on all of these Articles they went back to the current contract language we are suffering under today. We are highly disappointed to report that their actions speak loud and clear that they have zero interest in compromise.
Management continues to promote the idea that an industry standard contract is not something they can afford. Do not be fooled by this propaganda. They will continue to push this narrative until the day our new contract is signed.
For those who had missed the last update, we have once again included a LINK to a comprehensive summary highlighting the items we have successfully closed out in past sessions.
Your Atlas Negotiating Committee