New Local 2750 Address Verification : 20200404

Dear Crewmembers,
Your Union requests that you update your personal information, for union purposes, including near-term delivery of new lanyards and badge backers.
The IT Technology committee has developed a registration website and process which will allow you to view and update your information, including:
- Name (preferred name, middle name, suffix)
- Personal Email
- Home and/or mailing addresses
- Phone Numbers
The process is designed to keep non-members from accessing our systems. You will be asked for your Employee ID and the last four digits of your SSN (both pieces of information that the local possesses). If your answers match the union data, you can choose which email address on file to send a registration code. When you receive the registration email, you can either enter the code on the webpage, or click a link to direct you there.
The registration web pages are designed to work on a mobile device OR on a laptop or full-sized computer screen. Please review each screen, verify or modify your data, and press “Save & Next” to navigate to the next screen. The final screen will display your personal USERNAME (in the format Create a password which will be used for access to future IAP 2750 services, including a secure website and mobile apps.
In the unlikely event that your information does not match (Employee ID / SSN), a form will be presented for you to fill out for manual review by the IT Committee. You will then be provided with a registration code.
We ask that you complete this verification process as soon as possible, as time is of the essence. Please contact your IT Technology Committee with any questions.
IAP 2750 Technology Committee