LOCAL 2750 TRUSTEE UPDATE March 20, 2020
Dear Fellow Crewmembers,
I hope all of you are following the previous advice we have relayed and are following all the guidance that we have put out from health and governmental agencies. I know many of you have been encountering great hardship out there on the line which we are well aware of and are trying relentlessly to deal with as well.
For example, we have recently had crew members detained in places like ALA, XJD, BAH and so on. This, despite assurances that all was arranged by the Company before departure. To be fair, things are changing rapidly, however the response by the Company in many of these situations has been slow at best. Due to supply, there is a shortage of sanitation products and safety gear for our crew members while at work. And the list of problems goes on.
In addition to our crew call last Wednesday, we are planning on having one every Wednesday for as long as the COVID-19 crisis lasts.
These will be geared toward not only getting information to you, but to getting your input on problems and situations you are facing not only on the line, but at home also.
Last week, under the leadership of ExCo member Matt Sturgis, our Union formed the COVID-19 Task Force. This group is comprised of members of committees within our Union with direct involvement and effect on solving and dealing with the serious problems this worldwide pandemic has thrust upon all of us. Presently, the committee is tied into Company briefings on a daily basis. There is also talk of several other cooperative initiatives at middle management levels.
As far as COVID-19, it is obvious that we have all been challenged by the dynamic and fast-changing events surrounding the COVID-19 virus. As I stated above, your leadership at Local 2750 has been proactive in approaching the Company with various ideas to better manage the impact of this virus on crewmembers and Company operations. Unfortunately, to date, there has been little response from the Company and certainly no action. Contrary to the impression management tried to give crewmembers on the pilot employee call earlier this week, there has been little communication from upper management to the Union on dealing with the challenges of COVID-19 or the individual situations facing crewmembers and their families.
As you may be aware, CDC mandates 14-day self-quarantining by individuals who travel to âLevel-3â countries or higher. The company has advised our COVID-19 task force that this restriction, does not pertain to essential transportation workers of which flight crew are a part of. Your ID badge and uniform will suffice to prove your classification. At the same time we are strongly advising that you self quarantine for as long as you are home.
With the US State Department declaring a Level-4, âdo not travel abroadâ advisory, our already dangerous job has become much more dangerous. Obviously, the spread of this virus has been unprecedented in its speed and scope, outstripping the assumptions that underlay the memorandum of understanding the Company and our Union reached on China operations. The Companyâs failure to communicate with the Union to coordinate an updated response to the virus has only made the situation worse. The 11-day gap with no communications from the Company has put us well behind the curve
and has made the hardship we all encounter in our work environment
much more challenging.
Given the adverse impact of self-quarantining on crewmembers from flight assignments, your Union advises crewmembers prior to departing on a trip to be fully aware of the health status and entry status of all countries that they are supposed to fly into or through. Specifically, demand from the company to know what actions the Company will take, both with US authorities and authorities in the destination country to mitigate the impact on crewmembers from travel into that country. This is especially important if you have members of your household, such as elderly persons, at greater risk to the virus. CDC has recommended travelers consider canceling travel plans when the traveler has âat-riskâ persons in the home. The risk is no different for crewmembers. Crewmembers in this situation should especially demand that the Company adjust flight assignments to keep you and your family safe. Local 2750 has already been demanding this information and action from Atlas. Flight crewmembers directly impacted by this issue need to make their voices heard to the Company and our Union.
The CDC continues to give guidance that covers crewmembers that like other workersâif you are sick, donât go to work. Given the now designated serious Level-4 status outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important both to you and your fellow crewmembers that you follow CDC guidance.
Finally, you can help our work by directly communicating to management demanding that they fully and transparently engage with the Union to collaborate in developing measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on crewmembers and our operation. They seem content at the moment that they can deal directly with all of you and placate your concerns at employee informational meetings.
Please get on our crew calls every Wednesday and contact your Union COVID-19 Task Force at with questions and concerns so that we can best address the every growing issues that you are facing on the line and at home.
We will keep you updated.
In Solidarity,
Bob Kirchner
IAP Local 2750 Trustee