Bylaws Committee Update

August 10, 2020
Fellow Crewmembers,
The Bylaws Committee has created a survey to gather information about what issues in the proposed bylaws are most important to our pilot group. As we stated in last weekâs email, this survey is extremely important as it will provide us with the data to present to the IBT as we inform them of what changes our crewmembers demand. The link to the survey can be found below. This survey will remain open for one week and will close at 2100z (5:00pm EDT) on Monday, August 17. We ask that you please take a brief moment to complete this survey and encourage your fellow crewmembers on the line to do the same.
Last Thursday, August 6, the Bylaws Committee submitted an official request for clarification to the IBT Legal Staff in Washington, D.C. (The request can viewed on the members-only website by clicking âProposed Bylawsâ on the sidebar menu in the âDocumentsâ section). In that request, we presented several topics which crewmembers suggested as recommendations during the original bylaw comment period. Originally, the pilot group was told that two of these suggestions were unable to be incorporated due to recommendations made by IBT Legal, while a third was changed at the direction of the Exco. We will share more on this when receive a response from the IBT.
Last week, Committee Member Lazaro (âLazâ) Castellanos resigned from the Bylaws Committee. We thank Lazaro for his support and assistance during his time on the Committee.
Finally, we will be hosting a Bylaws Committee crew webinar on Wednesday, August 12that 3:00pm Eastern Time. This webinar will be an opportunity for any crewmember to voice questions or concerns that they have about the proposed bylaws as well as share what they would like to see changed. Look for a separate registration email to sign up for this event.
Ryan Smith, Chairman – (956) 821-3769
Mitch Williams – (407) 341-8190
Marvin Tait – (703) 898-4434
Local 2750 Bylaws Committee